What are you doing now?
written by JusHH
written by JusHH
By now, everyone is on Facebook (and if you’re not your Tweeting, Twitting or whatever that thing is called). And if you are on Facebook than you know what status updates are. We all have friends who update their status way too many times a day. So PTM did another investigation to let you guys know what your favorite rappers are doing on Facebook.

Lil Wayne is…
April 14, 9:59pm: Who is Yung Berg
April 20, 7:38am: At the lab working on cloning myself. I’ve done so many collaborations but I want to make a song featuring myself. That would be crazy!
April 22, 1:25am: Getting a tattoo on the bottom of my foot. I’m really running out of room here

Rick Ross is…
March 12, 10:03pm: Finishing up meeting with my speech coach. He says I need to sound more “street”
March 28, 8:50am: Just ate strawberry pancakes on my way to see my stylist. I’m going to try on something called a “doo-rag”. She says it will help my thug image.
April 1, 2:30pm: At Barnes and Nobles looking for any more biographies of real life gangsters. I need more material for my next album.

Kanye West is…
January 14, 12:41am: Autotuning
February 23, 1:00pm: Writing a royalty check to Michael J. Fox. Just about everything I’ve done style-wise over the past couple of months can be traced back to Back to the Future.
April 15, 10:14am: At my accountant’s office trying to get a tax write off for my ego. I think it’s big enough to be a dependent

TI is…
February 2, 11:00pm: Self-defense class. You all know why!
February 4, 10:00am: Reading a letter that I just got from Michael Vick. He keeps talking about soap…

Jay-Z is…
December 12, 7:50am: Attempting to write a rhyme in the 4th person. How crazy would that be. Chea!!!
February 28, 1:21am: Finally throwing out that Dame Dash voodoo doll that I bought last year…

Jadakiss is...
April 21, 11:04am: Calling everyone who was in the Ruff Ryders video and ask them to buy at least one album for your boy.
April 21, 4:17pm: Still trying to find DMX on Facebook

Maino is…
February 15, 7:55pm: Has enough haters, really wants some more fans right now

Lil’ Kim is…
April 12, 9:05am: wondered how Joan Rivers got such a dark tan but then realized I was looking at a picture of myself. Note to self: no more surgery
April 25, 6:34pm: Is really hoping that Dancing with the Stars can make people forget about how I was portrayed in Notorious.
April 25, 7:01pm: Don’t buy that stupid movie. They just mad cuz he loved me the most…

Yung Berg is…
January 2, 1:00am: Ouch
April 14, 9:45pm: Trying to get this comeback off to a good start. Just friended Lil’ Wayne… What up Weezy?
hahaha, indeed, i love the strawberry pancakes bit, hahaha, awesome
so freakin' funny. I bet hov could pull off the 4th person POV
Yeah if anyone can, it's definitely Hov
lol Kanye would try to get the most fans, I MEAN friends hahaha :-P
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